The Next Champion

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Mar: “I have heard rumors of an elusive breed of slime roaming the small forest near the inlet south west of town. If you can find a way to recruit one of these so-called Mage Slimes, you and I can train it together and raise the next Champion Racer!”


  1. Obtain the quest from Mar in Bedoe.
  2. (optional) Purchase a Mage Slime Charm from the item shop in Bedoe; buying more than one is advised given the success rate is not as high as that of the Red Slime Charm or Blue Slime Charm.
  3. Encounter and defeat a Mage Slime in battle. Using a Mage Slime Charm will greatly increase the odds of the Mage Slime joining after the battle ends. As Mar hints at, Mage Slimes are only encountered in the forest area southwest of Bedoe, so don't look anywhere else.
  4. Return to Mar.
The Next Champion
 NPC: Mar
 Requires: None
 Follow Up: Slime Training
 Experience: 600 XP
 Reputation: 100 Highlands Region Rep
 Currency: None
 Item: Plus Heal Seed (Medium) or Plus Fire Seed (Medium)
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