Coin Collector

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Panis: “Several years ago I stumbled across a valuable ancient coin hidden in the dirt on Mount Vezu. If you take the Metal Detector with you up to the summit and use it to look for more such coins, there will be a lot of gold in it for you.”


  1. Obtain the quest from Panis in Bedoe.
  2. Receive the Metal Detector from Panis.
  3. Use the Detector to find the coins hidden on Mount Vezu. When the Detector says there is a coin in the vicinity, follow the directions then use the Detector again to pick up the coin.
  4. Return to Panis once every coin has been found.
Coin Collector
 NPC: Panis
 Requires: Test Run
 Follow Up: None
 Experience: 550 XP
 Reputation: {{{Rep}}}
 Currency: 150 Gold
 Item: None
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