Red Slime

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Red Slime
 Wild HP: 10
 Wild MP: 0
 Wild Magic Defense: Unknown
 Gold: 2
 Experience: 1
 Steal: Magic Herb A
 Region: Balzackia Region
 Found: Ennar
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The Red Slime can be found in the area around the town of Ennar between the western bridge to the Bandit Cave and the eastern cave to the city of Balzackia. Red Slime's element is Normal. Red Slime is the objective of the quest So I heard you like Slimes? found in Ennar.

Companion Information

The Red Slime can be recruited as a companion at reputation rank 5 (Neutral).

Reserve Ability

7% Elemental Damage



Every 5 levels you can choose between two Milestone abilities.