Difference between revisions of "Template talk:Monster"

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(Created page with "{{Monster |Name = Tree Spider |Picture = tree_spider.png |HP = 9 |MP = 0 |Attack = 6 |Defense ...")
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Revision as of 16:53, 20 March 2011

Tree spider.png
 Wild HP: 9
 Wild MP: 0
 Wild Magic Defense: Unknown
 Gold: 2
 Experience: 1
 Steal: {{{Steal}}}
 Found: Ennar
↵ Return to Bestiary

|Name                   = Tree Spider
|Picture                = tree_spider.png
|HP                     = 9
|MP                     = 0
|Attack                 = 6
|Defense                = 3
|Agility                = 5
|Intelligence           = 4
|GP                     = 2
|EXP                    = 1
|Where                  = [[Ennar]]
|Quest Drop             = [[Venom Vial]]

The layout look a lot better than the previous black box. However, there's a lot more useful information than just statistics, like strategy for dealing with certain monsters, and what they do. So either way, you'll need to design the page to take that into consideration.

Also, it might not be a good idea to include the Quick navigation template with the template, so that we can have pages like the catacombs boss fight include all of the monster information together(The wraith thing or whatever it is, with all of the rods).

At first I was thinking that if you had a side-section to it for a description on right side, you wouldn't have to center it, you could just have the text expand outwards to the right, and for multi-monster fights you could include all the monsters downwards, however it might also be good to have extra information extend downwards, and to just center the monster template with the Quick Template, so it's centered. Then when there is more than one monster in a fight(like the wraith) you could include them on the page side-by-side, in the same order they are in the actual fight.

On a final note in this all over the place rambling, it might be nice to have a box around the monster name at the top extended off the main box of statistics, with a light background color to make it stand out more. Since the border is a dark-blue, a lighter blue would do the trick.