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Revision as of 22:38, 27 September 2014 by Psither (talk | contribs)
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 Learned: 1 Ninja, Wolf, White Wolf
 Cost: 2 MP / 1 Will / 50 Rage
 Target: Self / SingleEnemy
 Type: Field / Offensive
 Effect: When used in battle, the target takes minor damage while the caster becomes more easily able to dodge attacks. Vanish never misses and elevates the caster's turn to the top of the order behind only abilities like Hard Stare and Guard. The caster also gains the ability to "dodge" single-target magical attacks in the same way, taking reduced damage.

When Vanish is used out of battle, the caster becomes invisible to all players and NPCs and is able to avoid enemy random encounters much in the same way that the Repel spell works. Vanish can not be used in this way if there is more than one player in the party.

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