The Candy Maze

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Dirk: "In the rush to escape the mansion, people have been dropping all sorts of candy in the hedge maze. If you take my trusty Candy Wand and find some of that candy for me, I'll give you my extra Fright Fest Badges."


  1. Receive the quest from Dirk near the balloon when you first visit Dire Manor.
  2. Receive a Candy Wand from Dirk.
  3. Enter the hedge maze and search for 4 candies.
  4. Return to Dirk.

NOTE 1: This quest can be completed every day, once per character. If you have previously completed this quest, you will have to manually reset your quest log before you are able to receive credit for completing this quest again.

NOTE 2: After a candy has been found, it will disappear for a short while. The candy will respawn after a set amount of time.

The Candy Maze
 NPC: Dirk
 Requires: None
 Follow Up: None
 Experience: 100 Experience
 Reputation: 250 Fright Fest Reputation
 Currency: 3 Fright Fest Badges
 Item: None
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