S Drake

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S Drake
Shade Drake.png
 Wild HP: 250
 Wild MP: 120
 Wild Magic Defense: Unknown
 Spell Cost: 8
 Type: Storm
 Gold: 0
 Experience: 0
 Steal: Luck Seed (Medium)
 Found: Summoned by S. Cyclops
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Can be summoned by S. Cyclops. There is no known limit to the number of Shade Drake he can summon, but he will only summon up to two at any given time. (i.e. Shade Cyclops will continually summon a new Shade Drake at the start of each combat round so long as the number of living Shade Drake is below two)

Monster Information


Can cast HealMost nearly indefinitely; as with other, similar enemies, its HealMost spell presumably has a very low cost to cast.