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Flayer (battle).png
 Wild HP: 300
 Wild MP:  ??
 Wild Magic Defense: Unknown
 Gold: 30
 Experience: 30
 Steal: Attack Seed (Small)
 Region: Balzackia Region
 Found: Balzackia, Maze Woods, Catacombs
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The Flayer is the Miniboss of the Balzackia Region. It can be found in the Maze Woods, Catacombs and some of the area around Balzackia. Flayer's element is Normal. It has a 100% chance of dropping one of the following: Seed Booster, Plus Strength Seed (Small), Plus Intelligence Seed (Small), or Extra Gold Seed (Small). The Flayer will always use one of its two abilities per round.

Small (+1) attack seeds can be stolen from them.

Monster Information
