Elemental Modifiers

From NEStalgia
Revision as of 08:22, 2 June 2012 by Chaoseon (talk | contribs) (moved Stat Modifiers to Elemental Modifiers: It makes more sense to call them elemental when compared to color modifiers.)
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On equipment, elemental modifiers for the most part increase traits other than strength, agility and intelligence. The amount added depends on where the item is found. So, an item from Balzackia of a certain type will not add as much to stats as an item from Verity of that same type. The types of elemental modifiers available are as follows:

  • Fiery items increase fire resistance and damage.
  • Frosty items increase ice resistance and damage.
  • Stormy items increase storm resistance and damage.
  • Gilded items increase gold find and bonus XP.
  • Lucky items increase item find and bonus XP, item find more so than bonus XP.
  • Noble items increase item find, gold find and bonus XP, item find (usually) more so than the other two.
  • Blessed items increase intelligence and healing.
  • Charged items increase intelligence and pierce, intelligence more so than pierce.
  • Durable items increase resilience and all three elemental resistances, the resists (usually) more so than resilience.